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What we do!


USHA EV offers environmentally friendly mobility solutions, promoting a cleaner planet

Zero contact travel

Touch-free Hands-off trip

Driving without a license

Only you can drive an electric scooter without a license.

Trust of USHA - EV

Higher Earnings

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Powerful Performance

What we do!

What advantages will you
get using an E-scooter?

Storage Space

Known for its compact design, it still provides sufficient storage space for riders. However, the exact capacity may vary depending on the model

Zero contact travel

Charge your electric vehicle at home using one of our smartest.

Recoverable Energy

Electric scooters often feature regenerative braking systems that capture and convert kinetic energy generated during braking into usable electrical energy.

Fuel Savings

Driving an electric scooter saves you about 90% on fuel costs alone.

Lower Maintenance

You should not worry about the maintenance of electric scooters since their cost is far less than petrol vehicles.

Low Acoustic Impact

Electric scooters offer a significant advantage over traditional petrol and diesel vehicles due to their low acoustic impact.

What we do!

Powering electric vehicles.

USHA EV offers a range of electric vehicles (EVs) designed to contribute to sustainable transportation solutions. These vehicles are powered by advanced electric propulsion systems, providing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional combustion engine vehicles. Here's how USHA EV contributes to powering electric vehicles: USHA EV produces affordable and efficient electric scooters that are suitable for urban commuting, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing environmental impact. USHA EV plays a crucial role in supporting electric mobility initiatives by providing financing options for customers in the electric vehicle segment, including electric three-wheelers By offering reliable electric vehicles and financial support, USHA EV contributes to accelerating the adoption of electric mobility, thereby promoting a greener and sustainable future.

Home charging

Charging station for home
Charge point setting
1 year hardware warranty

Nostalgic Journeys of Yester year
